Mr. OMG is an elusive musical genius who delivers a surreal blend of music and rapping. The song’s collaborator lives cloaked in mystery but still aims for a path to broader recognition.
His single release “Trap Trap Trap” is his latest music project having loose and invigorating lyrics with a full of hard left turns and sly wit. The singer tells his own short stories with nicely packed raps that thin out, and the breathing spaces start to open up his work.
Choosing a melancholic rhythm, the artist aims to come across as strong and lethal. There is no apparent blueprint, but a real surprise waits around every corner—there are variations, untagged interludes, audio signals, and speech snippets.
Mr OMG croaks, whispers, mutters, mumbles, coos; and if he is rapping, he delivers less of a music flow and more of a trickle. Whatever that you call it, it’s a profoundly intimate and confessional mode of performance, somewhere in between improvised rap music as its title implies, but a recording of a softly sung melody couched in room tone.
The artist produces around repetition as if every loop could intensify in melancholy. He reproduces his catchy hook again and again till the words are eventually ground into dust. When musicians rhetorically question if we know what they are saying, the answer is normally a resounding amen. Here, the answer is more certain.
Mr OMG respectively extends on the mood of the source material, as if he is in a conversation. In those cracks, the grooves within the grooves, the artist brims with so much of a personality. The “Trap Trap Trap” features harmonies at the most with no limits and get Mr OMG to make the best out of every second given.