Home NEWS The moon is about to collapse and NASA hints-claims apocalypse preacher

The moon is about to collapse and NASA hints-claims apocalypse preacher

by Exposeuk
The moon is about to collapse and NASA hints-claims apocalypse preacher

A few days ago, a study conducted by NASA had found that moon, earth’s only natural satellite is contracting like a raisin and it is causing a rise in seismic actions there. As NASA’s discovery went viral online, Paul Begley, a famous Christian preacher has now sensationally claimed that this report from the United States space agency is an indication of moon’s collapse which may happen in the near future.

Paul Begley revealed that these signs from the moon are actually the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies.

“There was a report out yesterday the Moon is fast shrinking. Inside the Moon is like a raisin – they’re saying that the Moon is beginning to shrink like a raisin shrinks. That internally, the core of the Moon, something is going on in there. Is the Moon about to collapse? What does that mean? The Bible says there shall be signs in the Sun and the Moon and the stars,” said Paul Begley during a recent YouTube live stream, Express.co.uk report.

This is not even the first time that Paul Begley is claiming that humans are living in the end times. A few weeks back, Begley had claimed that the invasive swarm of locusts in Saudi Arabia had fulfilled Biblical prophecies. The controversial preacher also made it clear that these events are all tied to doomsday prophecies.

Paul Begley also believes that the rising tensions between world powers are also an indication of a probable apocalypse that will happen in the near future.

Nevertheless, a section of other conspiracy theorists believes that apocalypse and doomsday will be triggered on planet earth during the arrival of Nibiru. As per these conspiracy philosophers, Nibiru alias Planet X is a rogue space body that lurks at the edge of our solar system, and shockingly, this body is now in its collision course towards earth.

Even though conspiracy theorists are pretty sure about this devastating collision, experts at NASA have continuously dismissed theories surrounding Nibiru, and they have already classified it as an internet hoax.

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