Home Education Top 10 Best counties and states in US For Education 2021

Top 10 Best counties and states in US For Education 2021

by Exposeuk
Top 10 Best counties and states in US For Education

Learning in the US can sometimes be challenging, and you need a proper state/county for your child’s education or even higher education in the US. The State governments play an important function in shaping their state’s overall education system, from holding a hand in preparing the state’s school curricula to designate funding for the sector. As part of the 2019 Best States rankings, ExposeUK Info determined which states in the US provide their occupants with the top best education in the country, analyzing both K-12 and higher education.

Here is our list of Top 10 Best counties and states in the US For Education:

1. Massachusetts

  • College educated population: 50.9 percent
  • Average undergraduate in-state tuition and fees: $12,331
  • The Public high school graduation rate: 87.5 percent
  • Best States overall rank: 8

2. New Jersey

  • College educated population: 46.4 percent
  • Average undergraduate in-state tuition and fees: $13,297
  • The Public high school graduation rate: 90.1 percent
  • Best States overall rank: 12

3. Florida

  • College educated: 39.7 percent
  • Average undergraduate in-state tuition and the fees: $4,435
  • The Public high school graduation rate: 80.7 percent
  • Best States overall rank: 13

4. Washington

  • College educated population: 45.6 percent
  • Average undergraduate in-state tuition and fees: $6,903
  • The Public high school graduation percentage: 79.7 percent
  • Best States overall rank: 1

5. New Hampshire

  • College of educated: 47.2 percent
  • Average undergraduate in-state tuition and fees: $15,491
  • The Public high school graduation percentage: 88.2 percent
  • Best States overall rank: 2

6. Nebraska

  • College educated percentage: 41.9 percent
  • Average undergraduate in-state tuition and fees: $7,732
  • The Public high school graduation rate: 89.3 percent
  • Best States overall rank: 9

7. Virginia

  • College educated population: 46.6 percent
  • Average undergraduate in-state tuition and the fees: $12,126
  • The Public high school graduation rate: 86.7 percent
  • Best States overall rank: 7

8. Vermont

  • College educated rate: 46.8 percent
  • Average undergraduate in-state tuition and the fees: $15,537
  • The Public high school graduation rate: 87.7 percent
  • Best States overall state rank: 5

9. Iowa

  • College educated rate: 40.5 percent
  • Average undergraduate in-state tuition and the fees: $8,361
  • The Public high school graduation rate: 91.3 percent
  • Best States overall state rank: 14

10. Utah

  • College trained: 44.1 percent
  • Average undergraduate in-state tuition and the fees: $6,334
  • The Public high school graduation percentage: 85.2 percent
  • Best States overall rank: 4

Also Read: List of top 10 Best Dental Schools in the World-US included

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