Home Expose Info Rock Auto Customer Care contacts(Phone, Email, Address)

Rock Auto Customer Care contacts(Phone, Email, Address)

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Rock auto customer care contacts

RockAuto is an American automotive company established in 1999 that ships and supplies auto parts and body parts to different parts of the world. The company Headquartered at Madison, Wisconsin, United States, and has a total of 50 employees who ensure that your auto parts are shipped to wherever you are across the globe. Read on for Rock auto customer care contacts that will come in handy in case you have any issues.

Company Overview

Company Type Private
HQ Madison,USA
Year Founded 1999
Employees 50
Employee Ratings 1.9/5
Website rockauto.com


Rock Auto Contacts

All companies are not 100% efficient and at some point, their clients must engage with the customer service desk. In this case, I will list the contact details ie phone number, email address and other contact channels for Rock Auto.


RockAuto, LLC Corporate Headquarters
6418 Normandy Lane
Suite 100
Madison, WI 53719

Phone: 1-608-661-1376

Email: service@rockauto.com

Facebook: @Rockauto.com

Twitter: @Rockauto_Parts


RockAuto partners LLC partners with hundreds of auto manufacturers that deal with spare parts like car door handles, brake pads, shock absorbers, car bumpers, mirrors, and car carpets, steering gears, CV axles, and full transmissions. RockAuto has no physical stores and operates entirely online. All parts are sold for affordable prices.

To search for a car replacement part or tool, you can use the search bar on their homepage. You can then enter vehicle year, model, make, and part number to begin a comprehensive search. You can likewise see the list of part manufacturers and shop by year and the category.

Brands Available

The big auto spares names you will find include Dodge, Fiat, American Motors, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Isuzu,Audi, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Ford, GMC, Hummer, Jaguar, Jeep, Lexus, Mazda, Volkswagen, Porsche, Ram, Subaru, Suzuki, Toyota, and Volvo.

Explore the Promo section to find some hot discounts and manufacturer discounts. When buying parts on RockAuto, you can see a comprehensive description and specifications of every product available.

Rock Auto Payment Methods

Purchases on the RockAuto website can be made via American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal. If you want to use a gift voucher or store credit, you can choose the option from the drop-down menu on the checkout page.

Shipping Methods

RockAuto’s website claims that it ships all over the world at affordable rates. Clients can see the shipping options available for their location during checkout. This company ships using transit companies like USPS, FedEx, DHL, and Canada Post. Most parts orders ship within one business day. To check your order status, you can enter your email address or the order number on the website to get the details.

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After receiving a product from them, if you are not happy with the item, you can return the same within 30 days for a complete refund. You can ask for a return on the Order Status and Returns page. Shipping costs are not refundable. Note that the piece must be its original state with the manufacturer’s packaging. Additionally, manufacturer warranties are posted on the Warranties page. You can examine if your warranty is still valid and see the duration for which the product can be fixed or replaced. The given warranties vary according to the product type and manufacturer. For additional information or queries on warranty, payment, refund, order cancellation, or others, please use the Rock Auto Customer Care service contacts above

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